
ExQuilla 22.0 Released

Version 22.0 of ExQuilla has now been released, supporting Thunderbird version 17 ...

Changes since version 21.0

New Features

  • In account setup, accounts are tested before being created
  • Autodiscover guesses EWS URL from OWA URL if necessary
  • Autodiscover also looks for internal URLs
  • If initial connect fails, autodiscover will look for a valid URL
  • German locale added

Fixed Bugs

  • IMAP accounts sometimes stopped updating when ExQuilla was installed
  • With Conversation addon, Save link did not work
  • When experimental calendar support was enabled, recurring exceptions caused download to hang
  • Copies from and Exchange folder to a local folder lost original date
  • Meeting requests only show plain text
  • Folder pane expands on restart
  • Message size did not include attachment sizes


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  • 0
    David Sladdin

    Great add-on first and foremost - well done!

    Just a quick question-

    Whenever I have an attachment and either manually move it to another folder or have a filter to do this for me, the attachment is deleted (has a size of 0kb) and I get the following message:

    'This attachment appears to be empty.
    Please check with the person who sent this.
    Often company firewalls or antivirus programs will destroy attachments.'

    If I copy the email into a folder using OWA the attachment is OK.

    Many thanks once again for a brilliant solution (AND FREE =) )

    Dave Sladdin.

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    Kent James

    There have been several reports of this, but i still need to investigate this. This is an important priority at the moment.

    "Many thanks once again for a brilliant solution (AND FREE =) )"

    Unfortunately, plans are in the works to start charging for this beginning with the versions that work with the next Thunderbird update (version 24).

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    Grant Ashman

    I would happily pay a small fee for this functionality - I think most of us understand the time & effort it takes to develop something like this and the solution is becoming more and more polished all the time.  :)

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    Kent James

    I'd just like to add that I really appreciate all of the early adopters, they really are critical to learning the issues required to make the extension work in the real world. The current plan to transition to a pay version includes a period of continued free usage for people who installed versions prior to ExQuilla 24. Hopefully that offer will be in ExQuilla 23.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

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