
ExQuilla 20.1 Released

Version 20.1 of ExQuilla has now been released, supporting Thunderbird version 17 ...

Changes since version 19.3

New Features

  • Whether the GAL is searched for addresses during compose is configurable using the standard Thunderbird interface.
  • Sent items can be stored in arbitrary folders on any server.

Fixed Bugs

  • Meeting requests could not be deleted nor marked read
  • Names of attachments with Asian characters were mangled
  • Setting "default server" as the Sent items destination stored in the ExQuilla account instead of the default server. Specifying the ExQuilla account led to an error.
  • Archiving did not work.
  • Many GAL entries did not show email addresses. (This is partially fixed in 20.1, there still seems to be a remaining issue with some addresses).
  • Some Exchange servers seem to insert invalid characters, which was causing ExQuilla to not show those messages.
  • Unsupported folders (such as RSS feeds) were showing.

Thunderbird new releases (versions 18 - 20)

.. a single ExQuilla installation can no longer span the entire range of available Thunderbird versions....

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  • 0
    Gvi Das


    Is new version comming soon?









  • 0
    Kent James

    I will be making one more quick pass through the bug list to see if I can fit in any more quick or critical fixes for version 21, then I'll go into the release cycle. I hope to get version 21 out this week though.

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