
ExQuilla 19.0 Released

Version 19.0 of ExQuilla has now been released, supporting Thunderbird versions 17 - 19. ..

This is primarily a bugfix release.

New Features:

  • ...

Bug Fixes

  • Some crashes that were occurring in compose have been fixed
  • Incompatibilies with various other extensions such as SmartTemplates have been fixed
  • Blank messages being sent when compose type is plain text have been fixed

Thanks for trying ExQuilla!

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  • 0
    Stead Kiger

    The bug "Blank messages being sent when compose type is plain text" is not fixed.  I sent 3 blank messages tonight.  :P

    It does, however, seem to send the attachments and also sends correctly if you first save your message  (i.e., with Control - S).

    Thanks for an otherwise great piece of software!  I'm so glad to have an alternative to outlook!

  • 0
    Guillaume Chevillot

    Same here.


    I was using the version 18 of exquila without problem until now and just today I've some blank messages...


    So, when I see "Blank messages being sent when compose type is plain text have been fixed", I was happy but it does not change anything.


    Anyway, the problem is only present when I write a plain text message and when it is a reply message.

    New text messages are OK.

  • 0
    Guillaume Chevillot

    ... and thank you for your work !

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    Guillaume Chevillot


    I have the blank message problem on HTML messages too when it is a reply message from a local folder.

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    Kent James

    I believe that the blank message problem has been resolved in version 19.2  All users of version 19.0 are encouraged to update to this version.

    You may download the current revision (which is 19.2 when this post is written) of ExQuilla from these links:



    OSX (Mac):

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