
ExQuilla 16.0 Released

Version 16.0 of ExQuilla has now been released. ...

New Features:

  • View source now shows a MIME representation of messages

Bugs Fixed:

  • Can't forward messages with attachments
  • Exchange account not available at restart (with Conversations addon)
  • Inline images from Outlook don't show, see HTML code instead
  • Certificate error in OSX is hidden under other windows.

Thanks for trying ExQuilla!

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  • 0

    Thank you for your efforts! Plugin is a great piece of software which saves Linux users in enterprise environments! I'm able to connect to Exchange 2010, sync mail and contacts, everything works perfectly, except I don't see most of email addresses in GAL. Probably, there's something with address parsing.

  • 0
    Kent James

    The GAL in Exchange Web Services is search only. ExQuilla should show all relevant  GAL entries when you do a search, either in the address book or in the dropdown that occurs when you write an email. I probably need some way to make that clear in the user interface.

  • 0
    Peter Allebone

    Thank science for this software. You made it, and it is good.

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    Emre Erenoglu

    Hi Kent, how does the message download work? Does it work like in Outlook, "download headers first, then full items", ie to download headers and once its done, download their contents? With this, I'm able to work on small or important messages by clicking on them while waiting for others to download (in Outlook). Does exquilla behave the same?

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    Emre Erenoglu

    I also recognized that when I'm offline, I can't read messages already downloaded(?). Is this normal behavior (should I be always online?) or maybe the messages are not yet downloaded totally? (my mailbox is big).  Is there a way to work offline at least to read messages?

  • 0
    Kent James

    Download works like Outlook, downloading headers only, and only body when you view the message (and only attachments when you try to do something with the attachment).

    Better offline support is something that is important for the future, but currently ExQuilla does not really support many offline features. There is no real way to download the message content for offline use.

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    Emre Erenoglu

    Thanks Kent. In my case, the server is far away with a high latency around 350-400ms and the download speed is not that fast, around 50-100 kb/sec. I have a 500MB mailbox. Due to this, working fully online is very slow and not bearable. This is the case also with Outlook.

    However, Outlook defaults to a mode called "cached exchange mode", where it downloads everything in background, with a setting "headers only" or "first download headers, then full items". With this, I can work at local speed with my mails.

    Would you be thinking of implementing such functionality? Unfortunately without it, using Exquilla is not possible in my case due to slowness.

  • 0
    Kent James

    ExQuilla works in the equivalent of "headers only" mode currently. At some point in the future I would like to do better offline support, including the equivalent of "first download headers, then full items" but realistically that will be at least several months in the future. Sorry I can't help you now.

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    Emre Erenoglu

    Thanks Kent for your response, looking forward for that release, whenever it comes :)

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    I noticed that on some emails I get this in the log:

    Found item attachment, but we don't handle those yet (in file /c/tb/release/src/mailnews/extensions/exquilla/src/msqEwsProtocol.cpp line 1087)

    What kinds of attachments are and are not handled?


  • 0
    Kent James

    "What kinds of attachments are and are not handled?"

    These are attachments of ExChange items to emails, like another email for example. Normal "File" attachments are handled, but some unusual types of files are not handled correctly (this is still beta-quality software). One I noticed recently is an attachment of a vcard to a message. I would appreciate any examples of emails with attachments that are handled incorrectly.

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