
ExQuilla 24.6 Released

Version 24.6 of ExQuilla has now been released, supporting Thunderbird versions 17 and 24. ...

Changes since version 24.5

The pace of code change has been impacted by very rapid changes in the build infrastructure for the underlying Mozilla code, which has resulted in lots of effort to just be able to continue building the code. Hopefully the worst of that is over, and in the future we can add more fixes and features to ExQuilla.

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple accounts on the same server were getting mixed up
  • Accounts disappear intermittently (we believe that the core cause of this issue is now fixed)
  • Asking to delete attachment instead deletes message
  • Error "missing getIspDefaultsForEmail" sometimes prevents account creation
  • Junk warning "inputEncoding deprecated" eliminated

New Features

  • Spanish locale added
  • Save All Attachments now works
  • Emergency session license can be used if license fails
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